Cancer Misdiagnosis Attorneys in Cherry Hill, NJ
We Help Patients Misdiagnosed with Cancer in Camden County, Gloucester County, and Throughout South Jersey
Have you been the victim of Misdiagnosis or Delayed Diagnosis in New Jersey? Andres, Berger & Tran have the extensive experience handling serious cancer misdiagnosis cases. Call today for a free consultation.
Unfortunately delayed diagnoses of breast cancer can result when physicians fail to order baseline and periodic screening mammograms, radiologists misinterpret a mammogram as “normal”, or treating physicians fail to perform necessary follow up testing after abnormal mammograms with repeat mammograms, ultrasounds or biopsies of a suspicious area to diagnose early breast cancer. Delays in diagnosing colon cancer can result when doctors fail to perform occult fecal blood testing and/or order diagnostic screening tests for colon cancer such as colonoscopy and/or barium enema, and when specialists fail to properly perform and/or interpret a colonoscopies and barium enema examinations. Delay in diagnosing lung cancers can result when physicians fail to order chest x-rays for screening purposes and/or after pneumonias clear up, and when radiologists misinterpret chest x-rays or CT Scans of the chest as “normal”. Likewise, physicians can fail to perform manual prostate examinations in men during routine physicals or to perform blood tests for PSA levels. Any of these failures can turn a treatable tumor into untreatable cancer, resulting in premature and unnecessary death.
How Common Is Failure to Diagnose Cancer in Medford, NJ?
Deaths in the United States from breast, colon, lung and prostate cancers alone account for approximately 300,000 annually. The most important factor in determining the chance for cure is early detection of the cancer before it spreads. Treatment options and survival chances are directly related to and limited by the size and spread of the cancer at the time of diagnosis. While not all cancers can be detected early, many of the most common cancers can be detected through screening tests and recognition of early warning signs. Early stage 5-year survival rates for breast cancer are 94%, for colon cancer are 91%, for prostate cancer are 87%, and for lung cancer are 47%. Recommendations for screening tests for the four most common cancers have been made by various medical organizations, including the American Cancer Society. Screening for breast cancer includes baseline and periodic screening mammography for women beginning by age 40, physician breast examination and patient self-examination. Mammography has the ability to detect many breast cancers before they become large enough to be felt by either the physician or the patient. Screening for colon cancer includes annual testing for occult fecal blood in the stool, rectal examination by the physician, barium enema, sigmoidoscopy and/or colonoscopy beginning at age 50. Screening for prostate cancer includes blood tests for prostate specific antigen (PSA) and prostate examinations as part of a routine physical for men starting at age 40. For people with risk factors such as smoking, screening for lung cancer includes both chest x-rays and CT scanning. Many times, lung cancers develop in the bronchial airways causing pneumonias while the tumor is still small, and follow up imaging can often detect it after the pneumonia has cleared.
Misdiagnosis of Cervical Cancer and Misdiagnosis of PAP Smears at Collingswood Medical Facilities
Cervical Cancer is one of the most preventable cancers with the advent of the PAP smear. Millions of women recognize the importance of yearly PAP smears which are capable of finding early precancerous abnormalities of the cervix and endocervical canal. When detected by PAP smear, abnormal cells can be followed closely or removed by colposcopy or other more advanced procedures. By elimination of these abnormal cells detected by PAP smears, the growth and development of cancerous cells can be prevented. Medical malpractice occurs in several circumstances involving abnormal PAP smears. Under certain circumstances medical malpractice can occur when the pathologist or cytotechnologist from the lab which interprets the PAP smear commit a medical mistake by misdiagnosing, misidentifying or miscommunicating the results of the PAP smear. In those cases, our law office works with highly qualified pathologists and cytotechnologists to reread the PAP smear slides for evidence of cervical cancer or other abnormal cancerous cells visible on the PAP smear but missed by the lab personnel. Other medical mistakes involve the failure of the gynecologist to review and/or report the results accurately. If the PAP smear is report as ASCUS, atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance, AGUS, atypical glandular cells of undetermined significance, the gynecologist is required by the standard of care to assure proper follow up and treatment. This office has successfully represented mothers and daughters whose abnormal PAP smears were misread by pathologists or cytotechnologists. We have also successfully litigated cases against gynecologists who failure to demonstrate standard knowledge, skill and care in the diagnosis and treatment of cervical cancer.
Misdiagnosis of Malignant Melanomas and Skin Cancer in New Jersey
A growing concern, malignant melanoma is fast becoming a cancerous epidemic. The consequences of malignant melanoma are often grave and life threatening. As malignant melanoma becomes more prevalent, so does the incidence of failure to diagnose malignant melanoma. Skin lesions containing malignant melanoma cells can be overlooked or misdiagnosed by either the family doctor or the dermatologist. Medical malpractice can also occur when the pathologist examines pathology slides after excisional biopsies. Incredibly, medical malpractice can also occur when the doctor’s office fails to proper report the pathology results to the patient. With malignant melanoma, the stakes are high and the level of diagnosis and treatment must also be high.
Contact the Camden Cancer Misdiagnosis Lawyers at Andres, Berger & Tran Today for a FREE CONSULTATION
The three attorneys at Andres, Berger & Tran have a total of more than 80 years of experience. We are accustomed to doing the hard work necessary to achieve the optimal result for our injured clients – in or out of court. If you’ve been a victim of Obstetrical Malpractice or Improper Fetal monitoring please don’t hesitate to Contact Andres, Berger & Tran today for a FREE CONSULTATION.
Andres, Berger & Tran is located in South Jersey but because of our outstanding reputation we commonly represent clients throughout the entire state of New Jersey including nut not limited to Camden County, Burlington County, Gloucester County, Atlantic County, Cape May County, Cumberland County, Salem County, Mercer County, Ocean County, Monmouth County, Cherry Hill, Voorhees, Haddonfield, Marlton, Medford, Mt. Holly, Moorestown, Woodbury, Williamstown, Pennsauken, Atlantic City, Wildwood, Hammonton, Vineland, Berlin, Atco, Collingswood, Turnersvile, Glassboro, Washington Township, and Camden.
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