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5 Tips for Preventing Swimming Pool Accidents

Summer time is quickly approaching and with that comes a variety of fun activities. Among those many activities is the good, old-fashioned pool party. But while pool parties can be fun, they can also be a common setting for a devastating or even fatal accident. In fact, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, a staggering one in four children are killed every year in unintentional drowning accidents. Below are five tips for preventing swimming pool accidents:

Pool Maintenance

Before anyone sets foot in a pool, the pool should be properly maintained. The pool should be cleaned regularly and cleared of debris, such as leaves and stray objects. Even if the water looks bright and clear, it is extremely important to have the chlorine levels tested for proper neutrality. Cleaning hardware and chemicals should be properly stored before swimming.

Safety Equipment

Much like a public pool, a private pool should have a set of emergency safety equipment readily available. This equipment should consist of a well-stocked first aid kit, as well as floatation devices and tethered safety rings. Having this equipment around could greatly reduce the chances of a fatal accident or injury.

Supervision and Ground Rules

The most important method of preventing a swimming pool accident is communicating with children about the dangers a pool. Setting rules against running and roughhousing and employing precautions, such as buddy systems, can prepare children for the worst. That said, adult supervision should be available at all times.

Do Not Use During Inclement Weather

Swimming pools should be avoided during any kind of intense weather. Thunderstorms, temperatures below 60 degrees, or even just rain should be a sign to not use the pool. Any of these conditions could greatly increase chances of an injury. Even on days that are exceedingly hot, frequent breaks and additional precautions, such as sunscreen, should be taken.

Pool Toys

Pool toys should be appropriate and designed specifically for use in a pool. Foamy, soft and often floating toys are best. When toys are not in use, they should be removed from the pool to avoid further obstruction.

By employing these different tips, it is possible to avoid swimming pool accidents. Still, accidents can, and tragically do happen.

If you or a loved one has been injured in a swimming pool accident due to the negligence of another, contact an experienced personal injury lawyer who could help. Contact Andres, Berger & Tran online today or by phone at 856.437.4080 to schedule your initial case evaluation.

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