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5 Tips for Keeping Your Kids Safe on the Playground

Many children have taken to television, cellphones, and electronic devices as a huge source of entertainment. Though these devices can be entertaining and even useful in a child’s development, few things can replace the health benefits of physical activity. A major fear among new and experienced parents alike is their child’s safety in an environment that demands physical activity. Playgrounds can be ripe for child injuries from bumps and bruising, to more serious injuries, like cuts and fractures. But with the right precautions, keeping a child safe is easy. Below are six steps for keeping your kids safe at the playground:

Survey the Playground

Before letting your children play on or near playground equipment, it pays to check it out for yourself. Survey playground equipment for hazards such as rust, filthy conditions, and sharp edges. Mind equipment that may seem unstable or broken by giving it a firm shake test, keeping an eye out for loose screws. While surveying the playground, don’t forget signs of more obvious dangers, such as broken glass.

Dress Your Child Appropriately

When dressing your child for play, bear in mind the various situations your child may play in, like mud, dirt, and grassy areas. Dress your child comfortably and well-fitted. Loose clothing can put your child in a precarious situation, as the clothing could snag or get caught on equipment, resulting in injury. Avoid jewelry and accessories around the neck that could lead to choking or strangulation.

Watch Your Children

By all means, allow your children the freedom to play in their safe environment, but supervision is key. Children have a limited understanding of even the most obvious of hazards. By supervising your children, you could prevent accidents that your child would not see coming. Of course, sometimes even basic injuries can occur on the playground, but you’ll be around to aid your child in the event that an injury occurs.

Communicate with Your Children

Basic communication is vital to a child’s safety. Many playgrounds offer a board or plaque listing the rules of the playground – take the time to go over these rules with your child and explain why they are important. If your child gets hurt, aid their injuries and explain what they could do to avoid the injury in the future. Following these steps could greatly reduce the chances of your child having an injury.

Of course, despite our best efforts, factors outside your control could injure a child. A playground bully, excessive roughhousing, equipment failure, or a poorly designed playground could all lead to serious injury.

If your child has experienced personal injury on a playground in New Jersey due to any of these factors, the experienced personal injury attorneys at Andres and Berger may be able to help. Contact the personal injury attorneys at Andres, Berger & Tran today to schedule your free initial consultation.

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