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Taking Notes After Your New Jersey Accident or Injury

They say that those are who are prepared for emergencies will handled them much better. It pays to educate yourself. Reading this blog and learning how to take detailed, quality notes after an accident, can be extremely beneficial. The more detail and evidence you can provide in a personal injury case, the more compensation you are bound to be able to argue for. Record everything, get everyone’s information involved in the accident, even draw diagrams where necessary. Always remember to be thorough.

Full Details of the Accident

After the accident occurs, write down all the details of the situation as soon as you possibly can while it’s still fresh in your mind. Be as detailed as possible about the exact location of the accident including any injuries to yourself, witnesses who saw the accident, any negligent parties, barriers, and any objects of importance. Consider drawing a detailed diagram of everything.

Example: In a car accident write down the location of impact on the road and of your and the other party’s vehicle. Detail exactly what you were doing when you were hit including your speed, any signals and what color they were, signs in the area, other cars around you, fire hydrants, and other points of interest. If you can, draw arrows indicating directions that you and the other party were going, as well.

Also make sure to detail exactly what you were doing, the time and date, what kind of accident it was and how you were injured.

Witness Contact Information

Make sure to get any and all witness contact information immediately following the accident, as long as your life is not in danger from the injuries sustained. People don’t always stick around. Someone that could be a key witness in your court case may have an interview to get to or a child to pick up from school, so just getting someone’s full name and number to start is crucial.

Taking Pictures

Take pictures of everything. Full scope pictures of your surrounding, where the accident occurred, your immediate injuries (and all progress images of your injuries later), and photos of anything that was a part of or a cause of the accident is a vital part of filing a personal injury claim.

Written Notes of Important Conversations

Write down the key notes of conversations you have following the accident. Did the negligent party say anything to you at anytime prior, during, or following the accident? If so, be sure to write it down. Did certain witnesses state what they saw occur? Record it. Was there mention of the fact that an owner of the premises has not been regulating certain things? Note it. Even things the police say could be missed when they file their own report. Never underestimate the importance of details, details, details.

Recording All Costs Caused by the Injury

Whether the cost can be given an obvious monetary value or not, write it down. Keep all medical bills and receipts, including office visits, scans, surgeries, therapy, and medications. Keep records of work missed and calculate lost wages after taxes. Consider other costs such as those that involve pain and suffering. These can include such things as decreased life satisfaction, future earning ability, relationship or marital troubles, mental distress, depression, PTSD, physical or mental pain, etc.

Medical Journal Detailing Injuries and Treatment Process

Keep a detailed medical journal of everything to do with your injuries. Write down any immediately noticeable symptoms you may be feeling. Also make sure to keep a detailed recovery of the progress of your injuries. Detail when new symptoms appear as well as dates. Make sure to note the severity of these symptoms and their progress during your healing. Write down the full diagnosis and treatment plan and process given by your doctor. Keep all scans and documents relating to your condition.

Contact a Haddonfield Personal Injury Lawyer to Discuss Your Accident Case in New Jersey

Did you or a loved one sustain serious injuries due to an unexpected accident in New Jersey? Don’t let the medical bills pile up while you wait for the negligent party or their insurance company to do the right thing. Right now, you need an aggressive personal injury attorney on your side, fighting to get you the compensation you need, want, and deserve. The skilled attorneys at Andres, Berger & Tran P.C. are prepared to assist you with your legal claim. We represent victims of negligent surgeons, doctors, nurses, and pharmacists throughout New Jersey, including Winslow, Lindenwold, Gloucester Township, and Collingswood. Contact us today by calling (856) 795-1444 or email us to schedule a consultation. Our office is conveniently located at 264 Kings Hwy E, Haddonfield, NJ 08033.

The articles on this blog are for informative purposes only and are no substitute for legal advice or an attorney-client relationship. If you are seeking legal advice, please contact our law firm directly.

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