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When Can You Sue in New Jersey for an Injury in a Foreign Country

If you have been injured in a foreign country, the costs may be very high, and not just in money. If your personal injury was due to the negligence of another person or entity, you should not have to bear these costs alone.

The High Cost of Injury in a Foreign Country

Monetary cost for medical treatment in a foreign country may be high because of differences in billing procedures, exchange rates, and the doctor, equipment, or medication needed may be much rarer and in very high demand. Sometimes, you can’t even get the care you need in the country and may need a medical evacuation to a nearby country for care.

The human cost may be high as well because a lack of necessary treatments or a delay in treatment may lead to permanent injury or disability. You may get infections that require the removal of a limb, or because of delayed treatment of a heart attack or stroke, you may have lasting heart or brain damage.

When Can You Sue for Foreign Injury?

If your injury was due to the negligence of another person or company, you may be able to sue for compensation. One of the problems, though, is that countries with poor medical care may also have equally poor legal systems that can make it hard for you to receive compensation.

Fortunately, in many cases, you may be able to sue in the US and even in New Jersey, even if your injury was suffered in another country. The key is that you are a resident in New Jersey and one or more of the parties responsible for your injury:

  • Does business in New Jersey, or
  • Advertises in New Jersey

You may also be able to make the case that traveling back to the country would be an undue burden on you, physically or emotionally, and it will help if some of the important witnesses are in this country.

That said, even if you sue in New Jersey, there may be aspects of foreign law that impact your case.

If you have suffered injury while traveling in a foreign country, we can help. Please contact Andres, Berger & Tran today for a free consultation at our Haddonfield, New Jersey office, or we can come to you anywhere in New Jersey.

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