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Most Strokes Suffered in the U.S. Are Preventable

A recent study could have serious implication for medical malpractice lawsuits after researchers found that approximately 90 percent of all strokes are preventable.

The research was recently published in The Lancet, an online medical journal. The study was titled INTERSTROKE, with researchers taking a close look at data from 32 countries on several continents. This study represented a major expansion on previous research conducted by the same medical experts.

According to data obtained from medical reports on approximately 27,000 people, most strokes have 10 risk factors. Most importantly, these risk factors can be modified by doctors through proper treatment and medical attention. This means that the vast majority of strokes are ultimately preventable, depending on the type of medical care and treatment that an at-risk patient receives.

Americans at Risk of Strokes, Death

Strokes are one of the major causes of death and catastrophic injury in the United States. A person can suffer a stroke when part of the brain loses bloodflow.

One of the leading causes of strokes is hypertension, also known as high blood pressure. If doctors fail to identify hypertension in a patient, the result could be permanent brain damage. According to the World Heart Foundation, high blood pressure that is not properly controlled can significantly increase a patient’s risk of stroke. For instance, researchers found that removing hypertension from the equation can reduce a person’s stroke risk by nearly 48 percent.

Several of the other major causes of strokes can be prevented by the patient. According to researchers, strokes are caused by physical inactivity, obesity, and a poor diet. This means that people can potentially reduce their risk of suffering a stroke by exercising and eating healthy. The study concluded that a person who is physically active can reduce their risk of a stroke by almost 36 percent.

Many of the risk factors for suffering a stroke tend to overlap, with the total probability of reducing a stroke topping 90 percent for individuals who address all of the identified risk factors.

For more information, check out the article, “Strokes Could Be Prevented in 90 Percent of Cases, Study Says.”

If you or someone you love sustained an injury because of the negligence of a doctor, surgeon or nurse, you may need a qualified medical malpractice attorney on your side. The experienced New Jersey medical malpractice lawyers at Andres, Berger & Tran can help you get maximum compensation for your injuries or illness. Contact us anytime to schedule a free consultation about your case.

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