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  • NJ Auto Safety Laws Could Use Some Improvement, Says Auto Safety Group

    Apr 6, 2016

    Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety recently released a “report card” that suggests that New Jersey could stand to improve its traffic laws if state leaders really hope to cut down on fatal car accidents. According to the organization, The annual economic cost of car accidents in New Jersey has risen considerably over the past 10 years. The Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety report card indicates that auto accidents cost more than $12.8...
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  • Contamination Leads to Major Recall of Tuna from Bumble Bee Foods

    Mar 30, 2016

    Bumble Bee Foods and Tri-Union Seafoods both issued recalls of tuna products after finding out that their tuna may have been contaminated during the manufacturing process. The two companies used the same Georgia production facility (owned by Tri-Union Seafoods and leased to Bumble Bee), which is why the recall is so large in scope. It is believed that tuna manufactured and canned at the facility may have been under processed and undercooked as a result...
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  • Design Defect in Medical Device Leads to Serious Risk of Infection

    Mar 22, 2016

    One of the largest manufacturers of medical devices in the United States is hard at work on a redesign of the company’s duodenoscope after multiple people reportedly suffered dangerous infections as a result of using the A duodenoscope is an important medical device that doctors can use to perform an endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP), a procedure that makes it easier for surgeons to see inside the pancreatic and biliary ducts. The invasive procedure is...
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  • Erin Andrews Wins Civil Lawsuit against Stalker, Hotel That Gave Out Her Information

    Mar 16, 2016

    Sportscaster and television personality Erin Andrews was recently awarded $55 million in a The person behind the incident was Michael David Barrett, a man who was reportedly stalking Andrews while she worked as a sportscaster for ESPN. When Andrews went to Nashville, Tennessee for a sporting event, she stayed at the Nashville Marriott. Barrett learned of Andrews’ whereabouts and followed her to the hotel. Beyond that, Barrett spoke with the front desk at the...
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  • Johnson & Johnson Loses Wrongful Death Lawsuit, Ordered to Pay $72 Million for Cancer-Causing Products

    Mar 11, 2016

    A jury recently ruled in favor of a woman who died as a result of the cancer-causing ingredients used in Johnson & Johnson consumer products. The victim’s family received an award of $72 million in damages. The verdict is receiving a great deal of media attention, much of which is likely being driven by the fact that Johnson & Johnson is one of the country’s largest manufacturers of consumer packaged goods, pharmaceutical goods and medical...
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  • Auto Accidents and Gun Violence Lead to U.S. Life Expectancy Gap

    Mar 7, 2016

    The average life expectancy for a person living in the United States is shorter than the life expectancy for a person living in other developed nations, according to a recent study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). CDC researchers found that rises in gun violence, illegal drug use and The CDC study, which was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), examined data and found that the...
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  • Federal Government Enforcing Safety Standards, Bans Hoverboards

    Feb 24, 2016

    After months of strong criticism of the arguably lax safety standards imposed by makers of hoverboards, the federal government has finally issued a ban on versions of the popular devices that place consumers at risk of serious injury. Hoverboards were incredibly popular during the holidays, with many people receiving the self-balancing scooters as gifts in December. In the last few months, however, there have been numerous media reports about people being injured while using their...
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  • Federal Government Funds Study to Determine Whether Crumb Rubber Turf Causes Cancer

    Feb 19, 2016

    The federal government is launching a major study into crumb rubber turf and the possibility that it may cause cancer. Although government health officials and researchers are just now getting involved in research related to crumb rubber turf and cancer, evidence suggesting a link between the artificial turf and higher incidences of cancer has existed for a while. In 2014, several parents of young athletes became concerned about their children playing on fields with potentially...
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  • California Company Recalls Cough Syrup Containing Morphine That’s Sold in NJ Stores

    Feb 12, 2016

    A California company recently issued a recall of a cough syrup that reportedly contains potentially dangerous amounts of morphine. Master Herbs, Inc., a business that distributes Chinese herbs, issued the nationwide recall after realizing that the inclusion of morphine in the cough syrup was not acknowledged on product labels, meaning that consumers didn’t necessarily know they were ingesting morphine. The recall affects stores in six states where the cough syrup is sold: New Jersey, Ohio,...
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  • When Uber or Lyft Drivers Crash, Who Pays Your Medical Bills?

    Feb 2, 2016

    Who could have predicted that there would be a time when you could be thinking about needing a ride one minute and sitting in the backseat of a car the next? Thank you Uber, Lyft and other ride-sharing companies who make it easier than ever before to get from here to there. However, these services are not problem-proof. After all, the drivers are still people who can get into accidents on the road like anyone...
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