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  • Accidents That Can Result in Sensory Loss

    May 4, 2017

    People rely on all five senses to live an able, fully self-sufficient life. When any of the senses are compromised or eliminated, even the simplest tasks can become incredibly difficult. It can affect a person’s ability to carry out chores around the house, maintain themselves physically, and even their ability to keep a job. Sensory loss is often the result of an accident that results in injury of the The spinal cord is responsible...
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  • 5 Tips for Keeping Your Kids Safe on the Playground

    Apr 24, 2017

    Many children have taken to television, cellphones, and electronic devices as a huge source of entertainment. Though these devices can be entertaining and even useful in a child’s development, few things can replace the health benefits of physical activity. A major fear among new and experienced parents alike is their child’s safety in an environment that demands physical activity. Playgrounds can be ripe for child injuries from bumps and bruising, to more serious injuries, like...
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  • What Are Class Action Lawsuits?

    Apr 17, 2017

    Sometimes, a large group of people is affected by a common situation. Be it an injury from a A class action is a kind of lawsuit in which one or several people, known as class representatives, sue on behalf of a larger group of people, known as “the class” or “class members” who are all affected by the same situation. Class action lawsuits afford many individuals the opportunity to make their claims heard as...
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  • How Hospital-Acquired Infections Can Turn Deadly

    Apr 10, 2017

    Patients go to the Hospital–Acquired Infection (HAI) and Causes To understand how an HAI can turn deadly, one first needs to know what an HAI is. An HAI is a type of infection that is acquired in a hospital that has no relation to the patient’s admitted diagnosis or ailment. The infections usually take hold within 48 hours of being in a hospital. HAIs are largely caused by a commination of factors. They can...
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  • The Most Dangerous Times to Be on the Road

    Apr 3, 2017

    One might think that the safety of the road is the same any day of the year. Few things separate one day from another after all. But statistics show that some days are indeed more dangerous than others. Here are the six most dangerous times to be on the road: Daylight Savings Time Daylight savings time changes often cause people to run late, fall behind, and oversleep, among other various inconveniences. Statistics released by the Fatality...
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  • The Most Common Causes of Spinal Cord Injuries

    Mar 27, 2017

    Few things can affect the body the way a spinal cord injury can. Unlike other parts of the body that are normally affected in an isolated way, the spinal cord serves as a core connection to other vital parts and functions, ranging from physical to cognitive. Spinal cord injuries can be devastating and can affect the body by way of paralysis, poor circulation, nerve damage, headaches, loss of fertility, difficulty breathing, and the list goes...
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  • 4 Medical Exams You Might Need After an Auto Accident

    Mar 20, 2017

    Car accidents Back Exams Back injuries are among the most common injuries that occur in auto accidents. The signs of these injuries aren’t always immediately noticeable, but symptoms such as pain and discomfort could slowly creep out within days of the accident. As a preemptive measure, victims in a car crash should see a medical professional for a back exam. While the pain or discomfort may seem minor, they could be signs of a more...
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  • Anesthesia Errors That Can Occur During Surgery

    Mar 13, 2017

    Perhaps one of the greatest discoveries made in the medical field, anesthesia is an indispensable part of any surgical procedure. Anesthesia is an umbrella term for the process of temporarily numbing and relaxing a patient’s body in part or in full through a combination of drugs so that they may be spared the pain of a surgery. Because anesthesia is dispensed on a per-patient basis, mistakes do tend to happen. In most cases, ·...
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  • 5 Common Causes of Car Accidents

    Mar 6, 2017

    Few things are as devastating as a Distracted Driving There is a good chance that you are reading this on your phone. If not, you’re probably reading this while you’re also reading something on your phone. Considering how connected the world has become, cell phones have people more distracted than ever before. But these distractions should end the minute we get into our car and hit the road. Despite campaigns from cellphone providers, PSAs,...
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  • Can Faulty Electric Fences Result in Dog Attacks?

    Feb 23, 2017

    The majority of cities and towns have containment laws that forbid dogs from roaming outside without a leash. Also, several homeowners associations forbid physical fences and thus, many owners have resorted to the use of electrical, or “invisible,” fences to contain their dogs. However, dog owners should be mindful of the fact that such fences can be hazardous to dogs. Electrical fences transmit an electric pulse, or shock, through the dog when the dog is...
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