- Common Causes of Hospital-Acquired Infections
Jul 19, 2017
Patients go to the hospital seeking effective treatment for a medical condition. They certainly do not desire or hope to get sicker while they are there. An infection acquired while you are in the hospital, however, can do serious damage. Whether caused by a virus, bacteria, or fungi, these infections can be difficult to treat and, in some cases, can even result in death. Here are some of the most common causes of healthcare-associated infections,...Read More - Overlooked Advantages of Hiring a Personal Injury Attorney
Jul 12, 2017
Many people think of hiring a personal injury lawyer only when they intend to sue another person or company for negligence. While your attorney can certainly help you pursue that goal, an experienced lawyer can also help you resolve your situation in a number of other ways—many of which don’t even require setting foot in a courtroom. Here are some of the overlooked advantages of hiring a 1. You don’t have to talk to...Read More - Surprising Injuries That Can Result From Auto Accidents
Jul 5, 2017
When we think about the types of injuries that might be suffered in an Hip and Lower Spine Fractures Your hips and lower spine may seem like they’d be pretty safe in a car accident. They’re cushioned by the seat and held in place with the seat belt, after all. In fact, hip and lower back fractures happen in hundreds of car accidents each year. They are more likely to happen to people with...Read More - Wrongful Death Cases Resulting from Workplace Accidents
Jun 26, 2017
Workplace accidents are devastatingly common. According to statistics from The United States Department of Labor, over 4,405 workers were killed on the job in a recent 12-month period. This number fluctuates, often matching or exceeding that amount every year. When a person dies in a workplace accident, they often leave behind a devastated family that fights to reconcile with emotional and financial torment. It is important for surviving family and loved ones to know that...Read More - 5 Tips for Preventing Swimming Pool Accidents
Jun 19, 2017
Summer time is quickly approaching and with that comes a variety of fun activities. Among those many activities is the good, old-fashioned pool party. But while pool parties can be fun, they can also be a common setting for a devastating or even fatal accident. In fact, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, a staggering one in four children are killed every year in unintentional drowning accidents. Below are five tips for...Read More - Receiving Monetary Compensation for Lost Wages
Jun 12, 2017
On the surface, many personal injury cases seem like an open and shut situation. An injured party will sue an offending party for compensation for injuries sustained. But an often overlooked, if not completely ignored facet of a personal injury claim, is compensation for lost wages. If a person has been injured and has missed work, even if they’ve used vacation days, compensation for injuries may simply not be enough. Lost Wages Lost wages is...Read More - What Are Mass Torts?
Jun 5, 2017
When a personal injury suit occurs at a large scale through a shared cause, many people turn to a lawyer to sue the offending party. The claimants may not know that their injury is a shared experience on a larger scale. As the number of claimants grows in their suit for the same cause, it often makes more sense to sue as a large group. The process of multiple people suing the same party is...Read More - When Dog Attacks Become Fatal
May 25, 2017
Dogs are generally friendly pets to keep around. They’re playful, fun, and make great company. In some situations, though, dogs can be uncontrollable. When someone’s dog is untrained or impulsive, it can cause others injury or worse. According to statistics from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, well over 4.5 million people are Despite and training and care a dog may receive, they are largely unpredictable creatures and a fatal attack can occur...Read More - Common Types of Workplace Accidents
May 18, 2017
Most people don’t imagine work as a place where they could get hurt. Be it a blue or white collar job, there are normally safety standards in place to keep employees from getting hurt. Yet according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, over 4,600 people are killed in the workplace every year, with thousands more walking away with injuries. Most of the accidents that cause these injuries and fatalities are commonly mentioned, but rarely addressed...Read More - Avoiding Collisions with Pedestrians and Bicyclists
May 11, 2017
Particularly in the United States, cyclists and pedestrians are allotted inconsistent amounts of space, if at all, to share with drivers on the road. These inconsistencies, among other facts lead to many deaths and injuries each year. According to statistics from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, over 4,700 pedestrians are killed each year. Bicyclists account for about 750 deaths annually – neither statistic shows any signs of dropping according to data in recent years...Read More