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New Roller Coaster at NJ Six Flags Theme Park Shut Down for Repairs

The new Joker-themed roller coaster at Six Flags Great Adventure in Jackson, New Jersey was temporarily shut down after two riders got stuck.
The scary amusement park accident occurred during the “preview” period for the new roller coaster.

The Joker roller coaster at the New Jersey Six Flags theme park generated a lot of hype as fans of movies and comics featuring the Batman villain looked forward to experiencing the ride themselves.

The ride has been advertised by the park as a “4-D, free-fly coaster” that is unlike any other roller coaster in the United States. For one thing, the ride does not feature standard tracks below or above the passenger cars. This means that the roller coaster has more maneuverability and is capable of performing “head-over-heels free-fly flips,” according to Six Flags.

However, to paraphrase another comic book character, with great freedom of movement also comes great responsibility. The Joker roller coaster poses potential safety risks to passengers because the ride’s lack of limits on movement can lead to intense rocking and swaying. This may have been what caused the roller coaster accident during the recent preview period at Six Flags.

The shutdown of the Joker roller coaster came just one hour after the ride was unveiled at the Six Flags Great Adventure park in New Jersey. According to a Six Flags spokesperson, one of the trains on the roller coaster started to sway and then got stuck in a reclined position, making things very uncomfortable for the passengers. Two passengers ended up getting stuck on the ride for approximately 15 minutes before park workers were able to return them to safety, release their shoulder harnesses, and reposition the train to an upright position.

The spokesperson for the NJ theme park indicated that park officials were in the process of “making a minor adjustment” to minimize the swaying and rocking on the ride for future passengers.

Thankfully, nobody was injured as a result of the amusement park accident. However, these sorts of accidents can pose significant safety risks to passengers. Every summer, with more and more people flocking to amusement parks in New Jersey, amusement park accidents cause serious injuries.

For additional information, view the article, “Six Flags’ New Joker Roller Coaster Shut Down after Unveiling.”

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