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Most Common Halloween Injuries

While Halloween is a fun holiday for children, families, and even teens and adults, the activities that people participate in on Halloween, like trick-or-treating or going out to parties, can put people at risk of serious injuries.

If you or a loved one are hurt in an accident on Halloween, you need to know your legal rights and options. When an accident or injuries are caused due to someone’s negligence or recklessness, you may be entitled to recover compensation for the harm and loss that you or your loved one endured.

Here are some of the most common accidents and injuries that occur on Halloween.

Slip/Trip and Fall Accidents

Slip and fall and trip and fall accidents are common occurrences on Halloween. Trick or treaters can easily slip or trip and fall due to low lighting, Halloween decorations on people’s houses, and having visibility limited by masks and costumes. Slip or trip and fall accidents can easily lead to lacerations, soft tissue injuries, dislocated joints, and broken bones.

Pedestrian Accidents

Although drivers are frequently reminded to exercise caution when driving on Halloween evening and night, especially when driving through residential areas, numerous pedestrian accidents still occur on the holiday. Even though pedestrians can protect themselves by looking both ways before crossing the street, excited children may forget to do so. Careless drivers can then put pedestrians at serious risk of a wide variety of catastrophic or life-threatening injuries.

Distracted Driving Accidents

Motorists may get into accidents on Halloween due to being distracted. Drivers may focus on house decorations, people’s costumes, or GPS directions to a party, rather than focusing on the road ahead of them. This puts other vehicles and pedestrians at risk of a devastating accident.

Drunk Driving Accidents

Many adults continue to enjoy Halloween by attending costume parties where alcohol is usually served. Unfortunately, when a partygoer makes the decision to get behind the wheel after having consumed alcohol, they place themselves and others at risk of a drunk driving accident.

Negligent Security Accidents

Many establishments such as bars, restaurants, nightclubs, theaters, amusement parks, and haunted houses hold special events for Halloween. Businesses should take steps to keep patrons safe from criminal or violent activity. Although this is a concern every day of the year, Halloween presents a unique risk of injuries from negligent or inadequate security due to the propensity of people to engage in criminal or violent behavior on Halloween.

Who Can You Hold Liable for Halloween Injuries?

Parties that might be held legally responsible for injuries caused by an accident on Halloween include:

  • Homeowners when trick-or-treaters or party guests are injured by a hazard on the homeowner’s property
  • Drivers who cause motor vehicle accidents
  • Business owners, when patrons are injured by a dangerous condition of the property or by criminal or violent activity facilitated by inadequate or negligent security

If you were injured due to someone else’s legal fault, you may be entitled to recover compensation from them for your medical expenses, lost wages and future earning ability, or pain and suffering.

Contact a Haddonfield Personal Injury Lawyer to Discuss Your Case in New Jersey

Did you or a loved one sustain serious injuries in New Jersey? Don’t let the medical bills pile up while you wait for the negligent party or their insurance company to do the right thing. Right now, you need an aggressive personal injury attorney on your side, fighting to get you the compensation you need, want, and deserve. The skilled attorneys at Andres, Berger & Tran P.C. represent clients injured in Camden, Cherry Hill, Gloucester Township, Winslow, and throughout New Jersey. Call (856) 795-1444 or fill out our online contact form to schedule a free consultation about your case. We have an office conveniently located at 264 Kings Hwy. E., Haddonfield, NJ 08033.

The articles on this blog are for informative purposes only and are no substitute for legal advice or an attorney-client relationship. If you are seeking legal advice, please contact our law firm directly.

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