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Keep Tabs on Injuries Following a Car Accident

Many people tend to overlook the importance of being checked out by a doctor following a car accident. Even those that do get checked out fail to monitor any injuries in the following days, weeks, months or even years.

An unfortunate truth is that an injury following a car accidentcatastrophic or not — can impact you for longer than you might think. Such was the case for Heather Childers, a host on Fox News Channel’s Fox & Friends First-morning show.

In a recent opinion article written by Childers, she explains how she has been away from the show since the beginning of July due to a medical emergency that required surgery. It took four long days of experiencing a ferocious headache before she went to the hospital for an MRI of her brain and neck.

As it turns out, Childers was diagnosed with cervical spinal stenosis with myelopathy, which is when the neck’s protective spinal canal narrows due to degenerative changes or trauma. The myelopathy refers to neuralgic deficits from spinal cord compression. The condition is not curable but surgery can keep symptoms from progressing.

The key part here is that her condition has been progressively getting worse since a car accident Childers was in at 16-year-old.

Traumatic Injuries Have Long-Lasting Impact

At the time of the car accident, Childers suffered traumatic injuries to her head and neck. It is her neck injury that has been slowly worsening over the years.

The mistake Childers – and many others tend to make – is failing to listen to what their body is saying. Over the years Childers described different symptoms she suffered from which can all be tied to her car accident injuries. Instead of seeking the expertise of a medical professional, she chose to attribute it to stress or fatigue or other aspects of everyday life.

This only highlights the absolute necessity of seeking out medical attention if you are the victim of a car accident. Sometimes, your body will supply you with adrenaline during an accident which may end up masking the actual pain from your injury. It may not be until hours later or even the next day that you begin to feel the severity of an injury.

Regardless, it is never too late to see a doctor to have yourself looked at. Even if you were in a minor accident, it is important to get checked out. There are plenty of injuries that may not show up until later. And, if you did suffer an injury, it is imperative to follow up on that injury in the following years. Track its progression and take note of any symptoms that occur in the following months or years. As is evidenced by Childers medical emergency, injuries can linger and worsen as time goes on.

NJ Personal Injury Attorneys Can Help

If you or a loved one has suffered an injury in a car accident due to another’s negligence, you will need the help of an experienced personal injury attorney. You should not be burdened with the medical bills and lost wages that often result from dealing with a car accident injury.

The attorneys at the Law Offices of Andres, Berger & Tran, P.C. understand how much a car accident and resulting injury can impact your life. They will fight on your behalf to make sure you receive maximum compensation for your pain and suffering.

Aside from car accidents, they handle catastrophic injuries as well as other types of incidents, like truck and motorcycle accidents. You should not be financially burdened because of another’s negligence. Fill out the online contact form to begin discussing your case with an attorney today.

The articles on this blog are for informative purposes only and are no substitute for legal advice or an attorney-client relationship. If you are seeking legal advice, please contact our law firm directly.

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