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Is Cerebral Palsy Always a Birth Injury?

We often put our full faith in our healthcare providers when we need medical help, but we have to remember that doctors are not infallible. Sometimes their negligence results in life-long and severe injuries – like cerebral palsy.

Was your child diagnosed with cerebral palsy shortly after birth? Are you looking for answers? Below, we’ll discuss the different causes of cerebral palsy and the options parents have when their child has been diagnosed.

What Causes Cerebral Palsy?

Cerebral palsy in a condition that impacts the victim’s movement, muscle tone and motor skills. If someone has cerebral palsy, they may need assistance with basic tasks like walking, breathing, controlling their bladder, talking and even eating.

This devastating condition usually emerges prior to, during, or right after birth. It’s caused by specific damage to the brain, and there’s no cure for it. Over the child’s lifetime, they may improve if they have access to therapy, surgical treatments and special equipment to help them move independently.

Doctors have identified several things that can cause cerebral palsy. Here are a few:

  • Birth injuries
  • Infections while in the womb
  • A stroke that occurs in the womb or after birth
  • Genetic conditions
  • Jaundice in a newborn that goes untreated
  • Medical issues during pregnancy

While most cases arise prior to, during or right after birth, some children can develop the condition during early childhood, too.

Options for Parents of Children Whose Cerebral Palsy is the Result of a Birth Injury

When your young child gets diagnosed, it’s often devastating for the entire family. On top of the emotional distress, you and your family will incur a significant amount of medical bills. You and your spouse may lose time off of work due to the increased needs of your child.

If you’re experiencing these losses, then it’s important to speak with an attorney about what happened. While not all causes of cerebral palsy constitute a potential lawsuit, negligence on the part of your doctor does provide the basis for one.

Seeking out a lawsuit will reimburse you for the losses you’re enduring due to your child’s condition. Reach out to our office now to learn more about how we can help you and your family recover.

Contact a Medical Malpractice Attorney for a Consultation About Your Cerebral Palsy Case in New Jersey

Was your child injured due to medical malpractice in New Jersey? Then you need to talk to an experienced medical malpractice lawyer as soon as possible for guidance on how to proceed. The Haddonfield cerebral palsy attorneys at the Law Offices of Andres, Berger & Tran, P.C. are prepared to assist you with your legal claim. We represent victims of negligent surgeons, doctors, nurses, and pharmacists throughout New Jersey, including Haddonfield, Cherry Hill, Voorhees, and Marlton. Call us today at 856-317-6558 or fill out our online contact form to schedule a consultation. Our main office is located at 264 Kings Highway East, Haddonfield, NJ 08033 as well as offices in Mt. Laurel, Philadelphia, and Princeton.

The articles on this blog are for informative purposes only and are no substitute for legal advice or an attorney-client relationship. If you are seeking legal advice, please contact our law firm directly.

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