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How to Drive Safely at Night

Driving is more hazardous at night than at any other time because of a combination of factors, including fatigue, absence of light, poor night vision, drivers who are under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or distracted motorists. According to research conducted by the National Safety Council, the risk of a deadly crash is three times higher at night.

Driving while tired

A poll by the National Sleep Foundation reveals that 60 percent of adults have operated a vehicle while they were experiencing fatigue, and 37 percent have fallen asleep while driving. In order to avoid fatigue while driving at night, heed the following advice given by the National Sleep Foundation:

  • Sleep for seven to nine hours every night
  • Do not drive if you have not slept for at least 24 hours
  • If you are tired, pull over and take a nap
  • Drive at times when you are usually awake

Driving in darkness

Driving in the dark can result in low visibility, which can lower your reaction time, particularly when driving at greater speeds. In order to cope with darkness while driving, follow these steps:

  • Direct your headlights properly and make certain that they are clean
  • Dim your dashboard
  • Focus your vision away from approaching lights
  • If you wear spectacles, make certain that they have an anti-reflective coating
  • Make sure your windshield is clean and devoid of all streaks
  • Reduce your speed to offset poor visibility and diminished time to stop

Endangered night vision

Night vision is the capacity to see clearly in conditions of very little light. Our ability to see well at night decreases with age. According to the American Optometric Association (AOA), some older drivers may have weakened vision because of cataracts and degenerative eye diseases. The AOA recommends the following advice to older drivers:

  • Have yearly eye exams
  • Diminish your speed
  • Enroll in a driving course
  • Limit distractions, such as communicating with passengers or listening to the radio
  • Consult your physician about the side effects of prescription drugs
  • Drive only in the daytime, if needed

If you were involved in a motor vehicle accident due to the negligence of another motorist, contact the personal injury attorneys at Andres, Berger & Tran.

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