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Common Types of Workplace Accidents

Most people don’t imagine work as a place where they could get hurt. Be it a blue or white collar job, there are normally safety standards in place to keep employees from getting hurt. Yet according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, over 4,600 people are killed in the workplace every year, with thousands more walking away with injuries. Most of the accidents that cause these injuries and fatalities are commonly mentioned, but rarely addressed. Below are common types of workplace accidents:

Slip and Fall

Frequently on the list of workplace accidents, slip and fall accidents account for over 25% of all occupational injuries. Slip and falls are often caused by spilled liquids, slick floors, tripping hazards, and more. Most slip and fall injuries can be avoided with basic, regular maintenance of the workplace.


Employees who work long hours, exceeding what would be a reasonable schedule, often leads to fatigue and exhaustion. Over time, this fatigue translates to physical and mental exhaustion, which can result in slower reflexes and delayed responses, as well as a generally distracted state. It’s not surprising then that fatigue often leads to a variety of injuries.

Repetitive Motion

Be it in an office or at a construction site, many workers experience injuries related to repetitive motion each and every day. Repetitive motion often leads to strains, aches and carpal tunnel syndrome.

Vehicle Accidents

Many jobs require employees to drive at some point or another. Driving during a work day could mean facing peak traffic times. Vehicle accidents on the job are very common and often result in a variety of injuries. In some cases, the employer can be held responsible for this.

Whenever an accident occurs on the job, those injured often rely on workers compensation to cover most of the expenses. More often than not, worker’s compensation does not cover everything, be it falling short of actual medical costs or not paying for lost time and wages. If you or a loved one has been injured in a workplace accident, you need to speak with an experienced lawyer to discuss your rights. Contact Andres, Berger & Tran to schedule your consultation today.

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