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Common Signs of Nursing Home Abuse; If You Suspect These, Take Action

When it’s time to move your a relative, be it Mom, Dad or even your spouse, into a long-term skilled nursing facility, it’s not unusual to do so with guilt and fear. You wish you could provide the care they need, but you’ve decided a nursing home is will ensure their safety and quality of life. Still, you fear the fact they may not get the treatment they deserve.

Unfortunately, when the staff at a nursing home or assisted living facility doesn’t do their jobs properly, the result can be painful injuries to your relative. There are many types of nursing home abuse — physical, emotional, financial and sexual to name some. However, if you see or suspect signs of any of the following, you must act quickly.

Symptoms of possible neglect or abuse in nursing homes include:

  • Falls, resulting in fractures or significant bruising
  • Pressure ulcers or bedsores
  • Serious infections, including sepsis
  • Dehydration and/or malnutrition
  • Medication mistakes — too much, too little, not the correct type, delay in administration
  • Extreme fearfulness on the part of your relative toward particular workers (including doctors and nurses)
  • Poor hygiene (odors, for example)

Nursing home abuse can come in the form of general neglect or overt abuse. Regardless, you should not stand for any of it. If your loved one is being hurt in the place where they are supposed to feel the safest, please reach out for help on their behalf to stop the pain and suffering.

We can help. At Andres, Berger & Tran, we will work tirelessly to protect your loved one and stop the neglect and abuse immediately by holding the facility and neglectful workers accountable. We will file a nursing home abuse lawsuit and hold them responsible legally and financially for their mistakes. Contact our office for a free consultation today.

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