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The Most Common Causes of Spinal Cord Injuries

Few things can affect the body the way a spinal cord injury can. Unlike other parts of the body that are normally affected in an isolated way, the spinal cord serves as a core connection to other vital parts and functions, ranging from physical to cognitive. Spinal cord injuries can be devastating and can affect the body by way of paralysis, poor circulation, nerve damage, headaches, loss of fertility, difficulty breathing, and the list goes on and on. It’s ironic then that despite their serious outcomes, spinal cord injuries are largely preventable. The following are the five most common causes of spinal cord injuries (SCI) according to the National Spinal Cord Injury Statistical Center:

Car Accidents

The very nature of driving makes it the leading cause of SCI. Combine the speeds, the position in which a driver sits, and the risk of unexpected impact, and you have a recipe for disaster. Statistics show that as many as 10,000 people suffer from an SCI from auto accidents alone. More often than not, these injuries can be avoided, but the reckless or distracted driving of others can put people at risk.

Construction Accidents

The construction industry operates by strict guidelines to make sure workers and civilians aren’t injured. When these guidelines are ignored, over 2,200 people are affected by falling objects each year. Falling tools, plaster, and miscellaneous debris can impact a victim suddenly leaving them no time to react. When this happens, someone should definitely be held accountable.

Medical Malpractice

Doctors study and work hard to ensure the health and wellbeing of their patients. Yet they are human, so it’s only natural that mistakes happen every now and again. But these mistakes are often tragic and irreversible, leaving many patients with life altering injuries or in some cases, killing patients. Medical complications kill about 450,000 patients per year – this amount is not including the thousands of people who survive, only to be directly affected by an SCI. Mistakes like this can happen as a result of infection during a surgical procedure, improper outpatient advice, lack of proper post-surgical care and much more. While mistakes do happen, they should not happen under the care of a medical professional.

Motorcycle / Bicycle Accidents

Despite best efforts of local municipalities, cyclists are among the most disrespected people on the road. Since a cyclist’s body is largely exposed, they run a much higher risk of having a SCI. Coming in at a close second, statistics show that over 500 cyclists are affected by an SCI each year. An SCI can be the result on being stuck by a car, riding down a precarious slope, a malfunctioning bike and more.

Slip and Fall

A leading cause of SCI, over 7,800 people experience this injury due to slip and falls annually. Be it for a lack of a wet floor sign, faulty stairs, and occupational hazards – it’s usually less a case of the victim being clumsy and more a case of someone’s negligence.

It’s often in a victim’s nature to want to let certain mistakes slide, writing it off as something that can happen to anyone. But in the case of a spinal cord injury, this should not be a mistake taken lightly. An SCI should be prevented and when it’s not, you could be left responsible for extremely expensive hospital bills, lost time at work, and a disrupted lifestyle. If you or a loved one has experienced a spinal cord injury as a result of someone’s negligence, or if you’ve lost someone to a spinal cord injury, contact an experienced personal injury lawyer today. You may be eligible for the monetary compensation.

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