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5 Common Causes of Car Accidents

Few things are as devastating as a car accident. They can affect victims in small ways and in big ways: total loss, injuries and sometimes, death. According to the National Safety Council, a staggering 19,000 people are killed annually in car crashes, a number that has been increasing over the years with no signs of slowing and no signs of stopping. Below are the most common causes of car accidents.

Distracted Driving

There is a good chance that you are reading this on your phone. If not, you’re probably reading this while you’re also reading something on your phone. Considering how connected the world has become, cell phones have people more distracted than ever before. But these distractions should end the minute we get into our car and hit the road. Despite campaigns from cellphone providers, PSAs, and an ample availability of hands-free devices to promote safety, distracted driving continues to kill and injure many every year.

Drunk Driving

In terms of auto related tragedies, drunk driving continues to be something of a staple. Nearly 10,000 people are killed in drunk driving accidents every year, 1,800 people in New Jersey alone. While law enforcement has taken many steps to ensure severe punishment and staggering fees and fines, people still get behind the wheel drunk causing these terrible accidents. This trend show no sign of slowing down anytime soon, but with any luck, popular ride sharing alternatives like Uber will show a decline.

Reckless Driving

Tailgating, speeding, weaving in and out of traffic, cutting – all annoyances that we have all experienced on the road at one point or another. These immature, madcap drivers are a bit too fast for the rest of us. Tragically, they contribute to many fatalities per year. All it takes is a poorly calculated move at a high speed to put others in danger.

Improper Turns / Wrong-Way Driving

There have been many situations in which a driver has had a close call with someone who just somehow, someway made their way into the wrong lane. Often this mistake is caught by the driver or by another driver and the situation gets corrected before ultimately causing any serious damage. Other times, drivers aren’t so lucky and the wrong-way driver ends up injuring or killing another driver on the road. It’s very important to make note of signs on the road and making sure you’re always going in the right diligence. It also pays to stay alert in making sure others do the same.


Research conducted by the NTSHA found that 16-year-olds have a higher probability of getting into a crash than any other age. It’s safe to say teens are a big one. A teen will finally get behind the wheel willing to exercise their newfound independence. But like the children they are, due to inexperience or immaturity, teenagers often find themselves the victim or the cause of a devastating auto accident. More jarring still is that the chances of a crash increase with each additional passenger in the car. Add a bunch of friends in a car with a teen driver and it’s a common recipe for disaster.

Bearing these common causes in mind, we can all stand to make the road a little safer by practicing basic safety concepts. In reality, taking precautions is all a driver can do. But even so, accidents happen.

If you or a loved one has been injured or if someone you know has died in an auto accident due to someone’s careless driving, in New Jersey, you should contact a law firm that specifically deals with your situation and can fight to get you the compensation you deserve. Contact the experienced lawyers at Andres, Berger & Tran today!

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