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Birth Injuries Sustained During a Cesarean Section May Be the Result of Medical Negligence

A significant fraction of all children born in the U.S. today are born via Cesarean section. Some C-sections are planned in advance because a mother and/or her baby have risk factors that make traditional vaginal delivery potentially unsafe. However, many C-sections are performed under emergency circumstances when complications arise during vaginal delivery. Whether planned or performed in an emergency, errors that are made by delivery teams during a C-section may result in birth injuries to the mother and/or child.

Reasons Why an Emergency C-Section May Be Performed

C-sections may be planned for a child’s delivery because of risk factors such as the mother having had a prior C-section or a mother having a pelvis that is too narrow to safely deliver her baby, as these risk factors can make complications during a vaginal delivery a near certainty. But emergency C-sections may be ordered during a vaginal delivery if unforeseen complications arise, such as:

  • The baby is not in the correct, head-first position for delivery, such as in a breech position (feet first) or in a transverse position
  • The baby suffers an umbilical cord prolapse or is caught on the umbilical cord
  • Prolonged labor
  • Uterine rupture, or tearing of the uterine wall
  • Placental abruption, which involves the placenta separating from the inner wall of the uterus prior to the baby’s delivery
  • Placenta previa, a condition where the placenta covers the cervix

Delivery teams must act quickly at the first signs of complications in delivery or fetal distress. Waiting too long to perform an emergency C-Section may result in a baby suffering from physical injury or brain damage due to oxygen deprivation

Common Mistakes During Cesarean Sections

While C-sections are considered a common surgical procedure, a mistake that occurs during a C-section can jeopardize both mother and baby. Some examples of mistakes that may happen during a Cesarean section include:

  • Causing lacerations to the baby when making the incision into the abdomen and uterus
  • Perforation of the mother’s bladder or bowel
  • Leaving equipment or materials inside the mother
  • Failing to monitor the mother’s condition, including her heart rate and blood pressure, which may indicate dangerous blood loss

Recovery You May Be Entitled to If Your or Your Child Suffered Birth Injuries Due to Medical Negligence During a C-Section

If you or your child were injured due to errors that occurred during a C-section, you may be entitled to pursue a medical malpractice claim against the doctor or other medical professionals responsible for the error. In a medical negligence claim, you may be entitled to recover compensation for:

  • Costs of additional medical treatment and rehabilitation for the injury or medical condition caused by the error.
  • Long-term care that you or your child may need for permanent disabilities that result from injuries caused by errors during the C-section
  • Loss of wages or income from the time you have to miss from work when recovering from injuries caused by C-section errors
  • Physical pain and emotional trauma or distress from your injuries and subsequent treatment and rehabilitation
  • Loss of quality of life due to disabilities, permanent scarring or disfigurement, or other permanent consequences of injuries caused by an error during a C-section (such as loss of the ability to bear children in the future)

Contact A Medical Malpractice Attorney for a Consultation About Your Birth Injury Case in New Jersey

Were you or a loved one injured due to medical malpractice in New Jersey? Then you need to talk to an experienced medical malpractice lawyer as soon as possible for guidance on how to proceed. The Haddonfield birth injury attorneys at Andres, Berger & Tran P.C. are prepared to assist you with your legal claim. We represent victims of negligent surgeons, doctors, nurses, and pharmacists throughout New Jersey, including Pennsauken, Voorhees, Lindenwold, and Collingswood. Call us today at (856) 795-1444 or fill out our online contact form to schedule a consultation. Our main office is located at 264 Kings Hwy. E., Haddonfield, NJ 08033.

The articles on this blog are for informative purposes only and are no substitute for legal advice or an attorney-client relationship. If you are seeking legal advice, please contact our law firm directly.

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