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New Jersey Cystic Fibrosis Lawyers

Cystic Fibrosis Attorneys in Haddonfield, NJ Specializing in Genetic Disorder Cases in Camden County, Burlington County, Gloucester County, and Throughout South Jersey

The moment parents discover that their newborn baby has cystic fibrosis, a progressive genetic disease that leads to life-threatening damage to multiple critical organs in the body, everything changes. There’s so much to process, but our New Jersey cystic fibrosis lawyers are ready to help you hold negligent providers accountable. Through a thorough investigation and dedicated advocacy, we can pursue from any negligent parties the compensation your child will need for the lifetime of medical difficulties ahead of them.

In many cases, the risk of such a terrible medical condition was never even mentioned to the expecting parents. In some instances, the parents had already been told that genetic testing had ruled out a risk of cystic fibrosis, only to now learn, much too late, that the test had been conducted improperly or had never been performed at all. The team at The Law Offices of Andres, Berger & Tran recognizes that each family’s story is unique, and we’re here to help you explore all options for protecting your child’s rights at no upfront cost. Contact us today to discuss your potential case with our compassionate team during a free consultation.

Malpractice and Cystic Fibrosis Wrongful Birth Claims in New Jersey

Cystic fibrosis is a birth defect rather than a birth injury. It results from a genetic mutation rather than from mistakes a doctor makes while overseeing the development of a pregnancy or delivering the baby. This condition isn’t caused by a negligent doctor, and it can’t be prevented by even the most competent and skilled physician.

However, an element of medical negligence can still exist in situations that involve cystic fibrosis, particularly when the discovery that the child was born with this condition is unexpected. Cystic fibrosis claims are often a type of wrongful birth claim in which the families seek to hold providers accountable for errors in genetic screenings.

Medical Errors in Cystic Fibrosis Screening

Cystic fibrosis is inherited through genetics. For cystic fibrosis to develop, both parents must pass down a mutated gene, but neither parent has to actually have the condition for their child to develop CF. It’s possible to be a carrier of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene mutation without even knowing it. Genetic testing can be performed during pregnancy through chorionic villus sampling conducted at 10 to 14 weeks or through amniocentesis at 16 to 20 weeks of gestation. It’s also possible for both parents to undergo carrier screening through a blood test even before conception occurs.

Genetic screening tests for cystic fibrosis mutations are highly accurate when conducted properly. Often, medical malpractice cases pertaining to cystic fibrosis seek to hold the doctor accountable for errors like the following:

  • Failing to alert pregnant patients of the need for prenatal testing, especially when risk factors or fetal indicators of potential CF present
  • Failing to order genetic tests when requested
  • Improperly conducting prenatal screening tests
  • Misinterpreting or failing to read the results of genetic tests and sonograms
  • Failing to advise families of the risk of cystic fibrosis as indicated by genetic testing

Suing Medical Practitioners for Wrongful Birth

Through a wrongful birth claim, families can hold negligent medical practitioners liable for the results of their errors in ordering or performing genetic tests or interpreting and informing patients of test results. Cystic fibrosis can have a significant impact on a child’s life, leading to a great deal of suffering and difficulties as well as a shortened lifespan.

Families who were properly informed of the risk of cystic fibrosis may have decided not to proceed. That is, if prenatal screening showed a high likelihood that an individual fetus would be born with cystic fibrosis, the pregnant patient may consider terminating the pregnancy. In the case of individual carrier tests, parents could pursue other means of building a family, such as conceiving with the help of a donor who has tested negative for the CFTR gene mutation.

Wrongful birth cases that arise out of cystic fibrosis hold medical practitioners accountable when their errors in genetic screenings take away families’ ability to make informed decisions. Through the legal assistance our cystic fibrosis attorneys in Haddonfield, NJ, provide, you can seek accountability, justice, and compensation.

Compensation for the Consequences of Cystic Fibrosis

In cystic fibrosis, defective genes cause the body to produce an overabundance of thick mucus. While mucus in a normal amount and consistency plays a productive role in the body as a lubricant, the secretions that develop in a person with cystic fibrosis are sticky and thick enough to clog passageways in the lungs, the pancreas, and other areas of the body. This circumstance results in serious respiratory and digestive symptoms that can get worse over time.

Historically, the average life expectancy of a person with cystic fibrosis has been significantly lower than the average population, with the National Library of Medicine’s MedlinePlus reporting an average lifespan of 44 years for those who survive to adulthood. Breakthroughs in treatment in recent years have improved care and life expectancy, with the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation reporting a predicted median age of survival of 61 years for patients born with the condition between 2019 and 2023.

More options for effective medical interventions and an improved life expectancy are undoubtedly good news for babies born with cystic fibrosis and their families. However, the reality is that affording the lifetime of medical care needed to live with cystic fibrosis poses major financial burdens for families. On average, patients and their families will spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on medical care and treatment for cystic fibrosis over their lifetime, and the more severe the condition, the greater the costs of medical care.

When medical negligence played a role in the birth of a child with cystic fibrosis, filing a malpractice claim allows families the opportunity to secure much-needed compensation for their child’s future.

How The Law Offices of Andres, Berger & Tran Can Help

At The Law Offices of Andres, Berger & Tran, our New Jersey cystic fibrosis lawyers are prepared for the challenges of complicated cases that involve birth defects and wrongful birth. We build cases through in-depth investigations and medical record analysis. We collaborate with expert witnesses whose opinions can help establish the ways a medical practitioner’s conduct deviated from the standard of care. Our work for the families we serve involves identifying and documenting all of their damages, including projections of future expenses. Throughout every stage of the claims process, we provide experienced support for families facing the struggles of life with cystic fibrosis.

Why Choose The Law Offices of Andres, Berger & Tran?

Our New Jersey cystic fibrosis lawyers are known for our experience getting clients results, as well as our efforts to make getting legal help convenient and affordable.

A Record of Extensive Experience and Successful Results

For a complicated claim involving cystic fibrosis, wrongful birth, and medical malpractice, you don’t want just any law firm on your side. You need a team of experienced attorneys who get results. At The Law Offices of Andres, Berger & Tran, we have more than 70 years of combined experience and a proven record of securing high-value settlements and awards for our clients.

Home and Hospital Visits Available for Your Convenience

To make getting legal help easier, our cystic fibrosis attorneys in Haddonfield, NJ, go the extra mile to accommodate your family’s needs. We offer home and hospital visits that allow you to meet with a lawyer without disrupting your routine. This is just one of the ways we demonstrate our commitment to making families’ lives after a birth defect or injury easier.

Contingency-Based Representation to Ensure All Families Can Afford Legal Help

Families that have been affected by cystic fibrosis should have the opportunity to consult an attorney about their legal rights and options without worrying about the cost of representation. At The Law Offices of Andres, Berger & Tran, we provide the legal support families need at no upfront cost. You only pay for our services when we have succeeded in securing compensation for you. Even if we determine from an initial review of the facts that you don’t have a case that’s likely to be successful, we can still help you understand your family’s legal rights and answer your questions as part of a free, no-obligation consultation.

Contact the New Jersey Cystic Fibrosis Lawyers at The Law Offices of Andres, Berger & Tran Today for a Free Case Review

Your child needs every dollar of compensation available to secure their future and provide access to a lifetime of care and treatment. Our mission is to get families the full amount of compensation they’re entitled to under the law.

For help from cystic fibrosis attorneys in Haddonfield, NJ, contact The Law Offices of Andres, Berger & Tran online or call 856-317-6558 today.

Frequently Asked Questions About Cystic Fibrosis Malpractice Claims in New Jersey

  • Cystic fibrosis is caused by genetic factors rather than medical mistakes, but families can still hold healthcare providers accountable when their errors in performing genetic testing prevented parents from making informed decisions about having babies with cystic fibrosis. These claims are known as wrongful birth claims and, like birth injury cases, are a form of medical malpractice claim.

Featured Results

$10.0MICU Brain
$8.25MBirth Injury
$7.80MAnesthesia Malpractice
$7.40MEpidural Complication
$6.50MWrongful Death

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